Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weight loss

At the very end of May this year I started journaling.  It wasn't a food journal, although I really wanted to lose weight.  It was basically just a journal to write down what I had done during the day and if I had a good day or a not so good day.  Like, did I work out and if so, how long and which workout did I do.  Did I have soda?  Did I eat too many cookies?  Things like that.  Anyway, once I started working out, cut out the addictive soda I was drinking and just became conscious of what I was doing on a day to day basis, I lost about 17 pounds.  Then I started back to work and I've gained about 4 back since August.  It's a bummer and I really need to jump back on the wagon.  I really did enjoy it when I did it.  Ok, that's a lie.  I did not like cardio much but I didn't mind lifting.  If I could get a treadmill it would be the icing on the proverbial cake.  Not that I want to eat cake.....

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Random is hereditary

I'm usually a bit random with things I say.  I don't do it on purpose but I did finally figure out why I just say things that pop into my head.  It's because I want to say (or ask) them before I forget them.  I also tend to go off on different subjects when I've already started on one subject and then forget what I was talking about or what point I was trying to make. youngest boy Zach has it too.  Only on him it's really cute and funny still.  Me...not so much.  It just makes me look crazy.